Monday, November 10, 2014

Week of Miracles!

November 10, 2014
WEEK OF MIRACLES! So many miracles. Here's a few:          

Mike is a miracle! We met him a few weeks ago. He just showed up at church and wanted to learn more, so we began teaching him!! He's preparing to be baptized this coming Sunday, the 16th. He's almost too good to be true! He is living all the commandments and LOVES coming to church. He's very sensitive to the Spirit. He is in his 50's and has tons of hair that is salt and pepper coloring and a mustache that matches his hair that covers his mouth so when he smiles all you see is his eyes shrink and his mustache move. He's the best!
Taylor became a new investigator. She is in her early 20's. We met her last week and taught her for the first time this week. We met with her at the church when we taught her the Restoration and gave her a brief tour. We taught her in the chapel and the Spirit was so strong! She said the closing prayer and in it she said, "Coming here today has helped me realize how simple it is to be happy." She also mentioned that she didn't even know she was searching for happiness until she met us, and now she has found what her soul was seeking!
Kevin. We went on an exchange this week with the sisters in Sarnia, and while Sister Hawryluk was there she met a man who has a friend in Brantford that is looking for a church to go to. His name is Kevin. We went over and met with him and he brought his friend, Billy. They shared with us their struggles and trials, but also their pure testimony of Christ. It was such a powerful lesson!
Richard and Lesa CAME TO CHURCH! It made me beyond excited! We've been teaching them for weeks now, and they are two of my favorite people I've ever met. So seeing them in church and talking with the members and feeling the Spirit was a highlight of my week!
We met with two returning members that are cousins and listening to their stories and hearing them testify of the blessings of living the gospel was so powerful! They have both been reading the Book of Mormon every day for quite some time now and it was beautiful to hear their witnesses of how the spirit of that sacred record is changing them. It is inviting the Spirit into their lives and feeling the Spirit has been bringing them peace, reducing their anxiety, increasing their patience, and helping them feel closer to Heavenly Father. What a powerful lesson that was!
I went on an exchange with a sister from Cache Valley!! Oh yeah! She is from the south end of the valley, Avon.
What I learned from all of these miracles: 1. God is aware of each of us as individuals. 2. There are SO MANY PEOPLE who are prepared to receive the gospel in their life. When we do our part, and we work hard, Heavenly Father will lead us to them or lead them to us.

We had Mission Leadership Council this week and it was amazing! Just like always. We talked a lot about working with members and the work of salvation and changes that will be happening in the mission to shift our vision to build the members and establish the church in our areas. There were several things that were said or that the Spirit taught me or brought to my remembrance during that meeting, here are a few:

Act as if for years
Be real. Be optimistic. Be forgiving. Be lovely.
To receive full access to the Atonement we need the Priesthood
The end of the meeting was really powerful, but to be frank, a little hard. The departing missionaries bore their testimonies, and I was included in that group. I received an overwhelming amount of peace and answer to many prayers as the closing hymn started. Number six. Redeemer of Israel. The introduction was being played when I opened the hymn book and my eyes rested first on the fifth verse of the song:

"Restore, my dear Savior, the light of thy face;

Thy soul-cheering comfort impart;
And let the sweet longing for thy holy place
Bring hope to my desolate heart."

I think I found a new favorite hymn! It was always one of my favorites, but now it has a more personal and sacred meaning to me.

I fly home on November 19th, so please don't send any mail because I might not get it in time. I am so grateful for the letters and emails I've received from each of you. Thank you for your support and your prayers! Next week will be my last email. My welcome home talk will be on November 30th at 11am at the gray church in Hyde Park.

Have a wonderful week!
Love and Prayers, Sister Felix

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