Monday, November 10, 2014

Week of Miracles!

November 10, 2014
WEEK OF MIRACLES! So many miracles. Here's a few:          

Mike is a miracle! We met him a few weeks ago. He just showed up at church and wanted to learn more, so we began teaching him!! He's preparing to be baptized this coming Sunday, the 16th. He's almost too good to be true! He is living all the commandments and LOVES coming to church. He's very sensitive to the Spirit. He is in his 50's and has tons of hair that is salt and pepper coloring and a mustache that matches his hair that covers his mouth so when he smiles all you see is his eyes shrink and his mustache move. He's the best!
Taylor became a new investigator. She is in her early 20's. We met her last week and taught her for the first time this week. We met with her at the church when we taught her the Restoration and gave her a brief tour. We taught her in the chapel and the Spirit was so strong! She said the closing prayer and in it she said, "Coming here today has helped me realize how simple it is to be happy." She also mentioned that she didn't even know she was searching for happiness until she met us, and now she has found what her soul was seeking!
Kevin. We went on an exchange this week with the sisters in Sarnia, and while Sister Hawryluk was there she met a man who has a friend in Brantford that is looking for a church to go to. His name is Kevin. We went over and met with him and he brought his friend, Billy. They shared with us their struggles and trials, but also their pure testimony of Christ. It was such a powerful lesson!
Richard and Lesa CAME TO CHURCH! It made me beyond excited! We've been teaching them for weeks now, and they are two of my favorite people I've ever met. So seeing them in church and talking with the members and feeling the Spirit was a highlight of my week!
We met with two returning members that are cousins and listening to their stories and hearing them testify of the blessings of living the gospel was so powerful! They have both been reading the Book of Mormon every day for quite some time now and it was beautiful to hear their witnesses of how the spirit of that sacred record is changing them. It is inviting the Spirit into their lives and feeling the Spirit has been bringing them peace, reducing their anxiety, increasing their patience, and helping them feel closer to Heavenly Father. What a powerful lesson that was!
I went on an exchange with a sister from Cache Valley!! Oh yeah! She is from the south end of the valley, Avon.
What I learned from all of these miracles: 1. God is aware of each of us as individuals. 2. There are SO MANY PEOPLE who are prepared to receive the gospel in their life. When we do our part, and we work hard, Heavenly Father will lead us to them or lead them to us.

We had Mission Leadership Council this week and it was amazing! Just like always. We talked a lot about working with members and the work of salvation and changes that will be happening in the mission to shift our vision to build the members and establish the church in our areas. There were several things that were said or that the Spirit taught me or brought to my remembrance during that meeting, here are a few:

Act as if for years
Be real. Be optimistic. Be forgiving. Be lovely.
To receive full access to the Atonement we need the Priesthood
The end of the meeting was really powerful, but to be frank, a little hard. The departing missionaries bore their testimonies, and I was included in that group. I received an overwhelming amount of peace and answer to many prayers as the closing hymn started. Number six. Redeemer of Israel. The introduction was being played when I opened the hymn book and my eyes rested first on the fifth verse of the song:

"Restore, my dear Savior, the light of thy face;

Thy soul-cheering comfort impart;
And let the sweet longing for thy holy place
Bring hope to my desolate heart."

I think I found a new favorite hymn! It was always one of my favorites, but now it has a more personal and sacred meaning to me.

I fly home on November 19th, so please don't send any mail because I might not get it in time. I am so grateful for the letters and emails I've received from each of you. Thank you for your support and your prayers! Next week will be my last email. My welcome home talk will be on November 30th at 11am at the gray church in Hyde Park.

Have a wonderful week!
Love and Prayers, Sister Felix

Monday, November 3, 2014


BEST. DAY. EVER. Of my mission. Actually, my life. By far. Hands down. Saturday. November 1st. Kashra received her temple endowment that day! It was breathtakingly wonderful. It was the first time I've seen her in almost a year, and what an occasion to reunite!

Let me back up a bit so you can see this day in context. The night before we got a phone call from a less active member that needed help moving her grandson. She needed help cleaning the apartment before he moved in, so that is what we were to help her do. When we woke up the next day, Saturday, IT WAS SNOWING! First snowfall of the season! We got to her house at 8:30am and followed her to the new place. Horrific would be a fitting word to describe the condition of the apartment. It was far from fresh. So we rolled up our sleeves and went to work! The hymns I was singing as we worked was the only thing that invited the Spirit into that environment. But we got it done and it looked 100% better. Then we went back to our apartment, cleaned up a bit, then went to wait for the member to drive us to Brampton.

It takes an hour to drive to Brampton from Brantford, and we left a little late, so I was worried we wouldn't make it! I was praying so hard the whole way there! I was sitting in the back of a little Fiat reading Jesus the Christ and trying to keep my nerves under control! We pulled into the parking lot of the temple at 12:55 and the session started at 1... Quick change would be an understatement. A quote from John Wooden came into my mind, "Be quick, but don't hurry." That is exactly what we did! We made it. Miracle.

It was an interesting contrast to be in two completely contradicting environments in the same day. Black and white. Night and day difference. I am so grateful for temples and the peace and serenity that dwells therein. The Spirit taught me something this week: We feel such peace in the temple because our spirits finally feel at home. Every sacrifice is worth it to be there. I am so grateful I was able to be there on that special day with Kashra! What a privilege and blessing!

Another incredible experience from this week happened while I was on an exchange with Sister Dyer. I love her so so much! We taught a recent convert and he described to us how he has been feeling recently a force drawing him to the temple and he feels a huge desire to go there. Sister Dyer told him that it's called the Spirit of Elijah. She looked at him and told him that he has ancestors that have already accepted the gospel and are waiting for him to do their work. I felt the Spirit so strong and it was apparent that he did too. I whipped out my "Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple" book and my "My Family" book and showed him pictures of the inside of the temple and told him about my ancestors that I am sealed to because of temple covenants. It was such a powerful lesson! He was in tears. I am so grateful for the temple! It is the place. That I know.

I know God lives and that Christ is my Savior. I love Them and desire to keep the commandments to show that love. What a blessing to have this knowledge! Have a great week!

Love and Prayers, Sister Felix
"Be still, my soul, thy God doth undertake to guide the future as he has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence, let nothing shake." -Hymn #124

Kashra and I!
CV for life :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

"God bless us with eyes to see and ears to hear."

Hello! October 27,14

Sister Hawryluk and I had a fantastic week! As we called all of our sisters this week (we only have 10 companionships this transfer!) we asked them about the "high" of their week and the "low" of their week. It blew me away as companionship after companionship went on and on about the miracles occurring in their areas! Most of them had a hard time thinking of a low! I was so uplifted and grateful for the hand of the Lord in our life! President Clayton always says, "God bless us with eyes to see and ears to hear." It was beautiful to hear about the sisters seeing the hand of God in their life and hearing and heeding His voice. What a blessing.

We had an incredible experience with two of our investigators this week. A couple. Richard and Lisa. They hadn't been reading the Book of Mormon, so Sister Hawryluk and I read with them. 2 Nephi 2. Our ward mission leader was with us and offered a powerful witness in addition to what was shared. After we read the chapter with them, Lisa shared what she learned and it was apparent that she felt the Spirit and it softened her heart. Richard bore his testimony of Christ and it brought him to tears. He turned to Lisa, not a Christian, and said to her, "This is what the Holy Spirit feels like." It was such a powerful lesson! It was the Book of Mormon that invited the Spirit and prepared them to be taught by the Holy Ghost. It's true that the Book of Mormon is an essential tool for conversion! It is true. No doubt about it in my mind. At all.

Sister Hawryluk and I were talking about the Book of Mormon this morning in studies and I am in Ether right now. I can't remember if I already told you this, I probably have, but I am reading the Book of Mormon with a question in mind and my question is, "How does the Spirit influence people and what are the effects of that influence?" As I was reading this morning a phrase stood out to me, the people did "harden their hearts." Sister Hawryluk and I talked about what that means for a while. She taught an atheist in her last area and he talked about how when they talked about God and Jesus Christ it just seemed like a fantasized, far out idea. And the talk of angels and other things about the gospel were just too foreign to believe. We talked about how things taught by revelation must be learned through revelation to be understood, or they just seem strange. If we don't learn spiritual things with our spirit, or our heart, then our hearts are hardened are they it doesn't make sense. But when we have a "broken heart" (broken=humble. Like how horses are "broken" before they can be ridden) and a "contrite spirit" then we can understand the mysteries of God. It's simple really. It begins with a choice to desire to understand. Sister Hawryluk and I had a lengthy and incredible conversation about it this morning. That's probably why all of this is still on my mind. I am so grateful for the clarity, peace, and perspective that comes from the light of understanding. What a blessing!

I love being a missionary. So much.
I hope you all have a great week!
Love and Prayers, Sister Felix

"Be like the bird, who
Halting in his flight,
On limb too slight,
Feels it give way beneath him,
Yet sings,
Knowing he hath wings."
-Victor Hugo

I got my travel plans this week! Crazy!
And I went on an exchange with a sister from Hong Kong and we did service and there was a horse there, and it was her first time ever seeing a horse! Super cool :) She was so excited!

Primary Program

Happy Fall!   Oct. 20, 2014

What a beautiful week it has been. It's gone by quickly. We met with Jason a few times, but he had to work all weekend so he missed church again. And it was the primary program! Best Sunday of the year! It was powerful. Two of my favorite parts were both songs. Here are the words:

The Family is of God
1. Our Father has a family. It’s me!
It’s you, all others too: we are His children.
He sent each one of us to earth, through birth,
To live and learn here in fam’lies.
2. A father’s place is to preside, provide,
To love and teach the gospel to his children.
A father leads in fam’ly prayer to share
Their love for Father in Heaven.
3. A mother’s purpose is to care, prepare,
To nurture and to strengthen all her children.
She teaches children to obey, to pray,
To love and serve in the fam’ly.
4. I’ll love and serve my family and be
A good example to each fam’ly member.
And when I am a mom or dad, so glad,
I’ll help my fam’ly remember:
God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be—
This is how He shares His love, for the fam’ly is of God.

I'll seek the Lord Early
I'll seek the Lord early while in my youth,
And he will help me to know the truth.
I'll search the scriptures and find him there,
Then go to our Father in fervent prayer.
I'll seek the Lord early, and I'll obey
His living prophets in all they say.
I'll keep his commandments; his love will abound.
I will seek the Lord early, and he will be found.

I loved these songs! The first one I learned in Family Home Evening a couple years ago, and I love it! I especially love the chorus! As the children were singing this song I thought about the attack on families today. A traditional family is not the norm anymore. It's actually rare. And I am so grateful for mine. Last night, I bore my testimony at a "Why I Believe" fireside and shared my conversion story. I shared the conversion story of my great great great great great grandmother and then proceeded to talk about my rich heritage of hope. Then I shared my own conversion story. And even though I was born into the church, there was still a moment of decision. Or rather, a series of decisions that determined my destiny. I felt the spirit so strong and was so grateful for my knowledge of the gospel. Which ties into the second song! I love the last line,"I will seek the Lord early, and he will be found." I am so grateful I made that decision to seek Him. For I have truly found Him. I know He lives. I know He is my Savior. And I love Him with all my heart. I seek to not only express that love through words but through what I do. I am seeking to develop charity with my heart and my hands.

Here are some other things the Spirit taught me this week:

Living the Gospel is comforting. Not comfortable. We should always be progressing. If we are not. We are not repenting.
Being pure in heart, begins with being pure in mind.
D&C 122:7-9 "All these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good...Therefore, hold on." I love this scripture!
We found a few new investigators this week, we're teaching a lot, this coming week is filled with appointments, we're really focusing on working with members, I have a wonderful companion, I feel the sustaining influence of the Spirit and your prayers, and I'm humbled with gratitude. Thank you for your efforts and for your prayers.

Love and Prayers, Sister Felix
"Just because things are going well does not mean that we should not from time to time consider whether there might be something better." -Carlos A Godoy

Here are some more fall leaves!
And this is me as a sun :) Haha.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

October 14, 2014

HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING! (Yesterday) We ate pie three times. So it was a great Thanksgiving! We also saw many miracles from going out and working! We met with an investigator that we haven't seen in weeks, we met two families that we will begin teaching this week, and we were able to teach several other people! It was a great day!

We had MLC this week and it was incredible as usual! We talked a lot about the mission culture. President Clayton went up to the board and wrote "In the CTM we..." And then we shouted out phrases that described the Canada Toronto Mission. Some of them were: fear no man, are obedient, achieve the standards of excellence, are pure in heart, are Preach My Gospel missionaries, etc. Then President Clayton drew footprints on the board and explained that we have big shoes to fill and we named some of the people that had preached on this soil: Joseph Smith, President Monson, Parley P. Pratt, John Taylor, M.Russell Ballard, Neil A. Maxwell, Tad R. Callister, Brigham Young, and President Scott. Then he said, "I think all of what we do in the CTM can be summed up in one statement." He then proceeded to write, "In the CTM we invite others to come unto Christ." We discussed how we can take our purpose from our mind to our heart. It was a powerful council. We also talked a lot about the Work of Salvation and how to work with members more effectively. It's pretty much all the brethren have been talking about for the past few years is the WORK OF SALVATION! So we're trying to work in better unity with ward leaders and building the church in this area, not just bringing people in, but truly establishing the church here. Sister Hawryluk and I have already seen miracles as we've applied things we discussed in our area.

This discussion took me back to another experience. Rewind to almost a year ago, Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy came to our mission and he asked us a question, "What is the Work of Salvation?" People were throwing out answers but we weren't really hitting the target. Finally, a sister raised her hand and said, "Member missionary work, convert retention, activation, temples and family history work, and teaching the gospel." Elder Hallstrom was amazed and said, "Yes! And do you know where that is found?" She answered, "Handbook 2, Chapter 5." He was thrilled! That moment was when I learned what the work of salvation is. It is those 5 things and they are essential and central to keeping our covenants. I have a testimony of the work of salvation because it is the Lord's work. He is at the head of His church. And His work is the most important work on the face of this earth. Joseph Smith said, "After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to share the gospel." I know this to be true. And I'll step off my soap box now :)

Back to MLC :) For the first time, we had a special meeting with just the sister training leaders and Sister Clayton and it was AMAZING! We talked about many things, but my favorite thing we talked about was correction why it's important and how to correct and it was just great! Sister Mandla, Sister Bodine, Sister Stoddard and I did a musical number- "Because He Lives" and it turned out pretty good! After MLC, we were late getting back into Brantford because traffic was really bad, so we missed our dinner appointment, but they were so kind and packed it up to go for us! So we went and picked it up right before a lesson with an investigator named Jason. We taught him the Word of Wisdom the lesson before and he was going to have a hard time giving up tea. But when we went over that night he said he hadn't had any that day! We were so proud of him! He also got rid of all of his remaining tea so it wouldn't be a temptation! Miracles. So many miracles.

I could just go on an on about the miracles that happened this week. The Lord's hand is so evident if we will simply develop eyes that see. A scripture that stood out to me this week came from my mission chapter. Alma 26. It was verse 22 that stood out and it reads, "Yea, he that repenteth and exerciseth faith, and bringeth forth good words, and prayeth continually without ceasing-unto such it is given to know the mysteries of God; yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which never have been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls to repentance, even as it has been given unto us to bring these our brethren to repentance." When we invite someone to come unto Christ, and they accept, they have thousands of ancestors. One person can definitely be the means of bringing thousands to repentance of both sides of the veil. This hit me so hard this week and it was a great reminder.

Have a fantastic week!
Love and Prayers, Sister Felix
"Perhaps the greatest indicator of charity is the capacity to recognize and appropriately respond to other people who are experiencing the very challenge or adversity that is most immediately and forcefully pressing upon us. Character is revealed, for example, in the power to discern the suffering of other people when we ourselves are suffering; in the ability to detect the hunger of others when we are hungry; and in the midst of our own spiritual distress. Thus, character is demonstrated by looking and reaching outward when the natural and instinctive response is to be self absorbed and turn inward." -David A. Bednar

Sisters enjoying the Fall!

I'm Staying in Brandtford!

October 6, 2014

TRANSFER NEWS!! I am staying in Brantford with Sister Hawryluk for my last six weeks!! Great things are happening here so I'm glad to stay. I spent 6 months in my first area and I'll spend 6 months in my last and I served in three areas in between that time. What a wonderful life!

One great thing that is happening is JASON! He has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday since we started meeting with him and he came to conference. We're excited for him! Please pray for him.

Conference was FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved it! Elder Andersen gave extended an invitation that I did this morning. He said to, "find scriptures in the Book of Mormon that you know are true, then share them with family and friends." So this morning during my studies I went through my Book of Mormon to find verses that I knew were true. It was a feeling of overwhelming peace and the Spirit that overcame me as I turned page after page and found verses that I knew were true. I came to a conclusion that I had already known, I know the whole book is true. Every verse and every page. It is the word of God. A few that I'd like to share are these:

2 Nephi 2:6-8,11,25

Jacob 2:1-2

Jacob 4:13

Alma 7:11-15

Alma 41:10

Helaman 3:35

Moroni 8:25-26

Some of my favorite conference talks were Lynn G Robbins, Jorg Klebingat, Tad Callister, Richard G Scott, and David A Bednar. They were all fantastic though!! I apologize for the short letter, we're in a bit of a rush today. I hope you all have a fantastic week!

Love and Prayers, Sister Felix

My lovely Canadian companion making perogies for dinner!

We had a really big district this transfer!